Meet Our Immigration Lawyer Team

We value our immigration lawyer team members, their intellect and decision-making characters. We are proud we managed to gather smart, talented and client-oriented staff, and we are happy to introduce them to our clients!

Bhavya Chaudhary

Founder & Managing Attorney

7.23 Modified Profile Pic

Swapna Menon



June Crumpton

Senior Paralegal


Fanny Pamela Kane



Richard Quan

JD, Senior Consultant


Pinky Patel

Office Manager


Sultana Madhubi



20 Years Of Experience In Various Cases

We’re proud that our immigration law firm offers top-notch legal services for a nationwide affordable pricing! With us you’ll never feel like the lawyers are just robbers in suits, besides, we win 98% of all cases. So with us, your chances of winning are as high as they possibly can be!

Award For Best Mentor Attorney In Georgia

Recognized By North American Bar of Asian Lawyers

Case that We Won on Appeal Became a Published Decision

Raksha Board Member - involved in Community

Dear Clients,
Our Phone lines get busy during work hours. We are sorry if we are unable to answer your call right away. Your call is very important to us. Please leave us a message and we will respond within 24-48 hours.
You can also email us at [email protected]
Please note that Case Managers are able to answer their calls after 2 pm EST.
Bhavya Chaudhary, Esq.
(678) 292-6111 Office | (770) 310-7038 Cell |